We are not a substitute for the treatment or diagnosis from a qualified medical professional. Always consult your doctor for any health-related questions or concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

About our service

What is PathDirect?

What is self-request pathology?

Why should I opt for online blood tests?

Why should I choose PathDirect?

Is this covered by Medicare or Insurance?

Getting your tests

Who can buy these tests?

Where do I have to go to get my tests done?

Do I need to print my request form?

How long are my tests valid for?

How do I prepare for my test?

Collection centres

Do I need to make an appointment?

Do I have to pay at the collection centre?

What should I bring to the collection centre?

What can I expect at the collection centre?


How will I receive my results?

When will I receive my results?

What if my results are abnormal?

Can I show my GP the results?

Are my results accurate?

Commercial pathology

What is commercial pathology?

How can PathDirect benefit my business?

What services do you offer?

Why should I incorporate commercial pathology in my business?

This platform should not be used as a substitute for a diagnosis and/or treatment from a qualified medical professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding medical conditions or health issues.
© 2024 PathDirect AU. All Rights Reserved.
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