We are not a substitute for the treatment or diagnosis from a qualified medical professional. Always consult your doctor for any health-related questions or concerns.

Collection Centres

Find a collection centre

We understand the importance of convenience and accessibility when it comes to managing your health.

We are partnered with Australian Clinical Labs, providing access to over 1300 collection centres across Australia.

Once you've purchased your test, find the nearest collection centre to you and drop in for your sample collection when you're ready. Make sure to only visit one of our designated collection centres to avoid extra fees.

No appointment is needed.

Please contact us if you are unable to find a collection centre near you.
PathDirect Online Blood Testing

Getting your test

Do I need to make an appointment?

No. You do not need to schedule an appointment with the collection centre, you can simply walk in.

Please always double check their open hours before as this can vary depending on the location.

Can I choose any collection centre?

Yes. You can visit any one of the 1300 designated collection centres across Australia, at your own convenience, to get your health testing nearby.

What do I need to bring?

Please bring a printed copy of your pathology request form and a valid photo ID (such as a Driver's license) when visiting the collection centre. All request forms are single-use only.

You do not need to present a Medicare or Insurance card as this is a private service.

Do I have to pay at the collection centre?

No. You do not have to pay anything at the collection centre. PathDirect covers the cost of all your tests once purchased. However, to avoid being billed again for your blood test, please only visit one of our designated collection centres.

What can I expect at the collection centre?

Most pathology tests involve drawing a small blood sample, whilst other tests require a urine sample or other. The pathology collector will take your single-use request form and ay ask you some questions to confirm your identity. Once your sample is collected, your test will be immediately processed at a NATA accredited laboratory.

What do I need to do before my test?

Some tests require specific preparation before collecting your sample - such as fasting.

If your test requires fasting (indicated by a 'Yes' or 'No' box on your request form), please refrain from all food and drink (except water) for 8-12 hours prior to visiting the collection centre. We recommend doing these tests in the morning to make it easier.

When will I receive my results?

After your sample is collected, you can expect your result usually within 24-48 hours. Please understand that turnaround times often vary due the number/type of tests, the lab and equipment used, and when/where your sample was collected. We make no guarantees on the specific waiting time for your result, but the vast marjority will be received very quickly.

All results will be available securely online through your email. If you do not receive your results within 48 hours, please contact us at info@pathdirect.com.au and we will happily give you a status update.
Have more questions? 
Visit our FAQ page to learn more
This platform should not be used as a substitute for a diagnosis and/or treatment from a qualified medical professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding medical conditions or health issues.
© 2024 PathDirect AU. All Rights Reserved.
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